Thoughts and Prayers (Crib Quilt), 2024, found fabric, thread and cotton batting on linen, 32” x 34”

My Tears and Broken Heart Should Comfort You, 2024, thread and found fabric, filled with dryer lint and old quilt stuffing, 6” x 12” x 12”

White, 2024. household paint on cardboard and grocery store paper bag, 66” x 32” x 24”

Created from factory “non-conforming goods,” specifically, mis-stitched US Army First Cavalry Division badges, which have been pieced together into a tapestry format, with embroidery “repair” delineating stain marks and holes

Remains of the Night, 2011, thread on stained tablecloth, 68" x 70"
The piece is a tablecloth presented on a simple table-base. The tablecloth itself becomes sculpture and memorializes events and accidents through embroidered delineation of spills and stains.

Electric, 2011, electric blanket and hand stitching, 78" x 60"
An electric blanket has been cut open to remove the wiring, which is then stitched in place in the center of the piece. The incisions left from the removal of the wiring have been sutured shut with black thread. Stains on the blanket are also delineated with stitching.

All Better, 2011, thread on stained and moth-eaten blanket, 75" x 72"

Clumsy, 2007, hand-stitched thread on red-wine-stained, found tablecloth, 29" x 42" x 42"

Clumsy (detail), 2007, hand-stitched thread on red-wine-stained, found tablecloth, 29" x 42" x 42"

© 2025 Nava Lubelski. All rights